Sunday, July 19, 2015


Qns.1 In past, a lot of transnational pipeline projects like TAPI, IPI, etc has proposed but still any of the project is not seen any success so far. According to you, how important it is to implement these kind transnational gas pipeline projects for India’s energy security point of view?
Ans.  Yes, You are right, these all were talked not seen; There was only hurdle to do it whosever has planned the “NOC” to go ahead on the subject; Besides that, it becomes the tool to settle the geopolitical score; Let me not confuse you, must explain in my capacity and knowledge, what Geopolitics is in this case; Geopolitics,” meant “the cram of how factors such as geography and economics influence politics and relations between nations.”  Now it means politics among (not just between) nations and rivalries for international power.  A geopolitically successful nation delivers on promises to allies and threats to rivals — or loses allies and strengthens rivals. And, earlier weapon was Crude Oil now an added weapon to settle the score is LNG between the Countries; The failure of some of them was due to the Geopolitics in the region; You will get LNG supply if you are in good books of the supplier country and the banking channels are open;
The second most viable reason is – Security of the pipeline & regional instability has long haunted the Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India (TAPI) project, first conceived 18 years ago, and that remains the main obstacle to the pipeline becoming a reality.
Third most and very important reason is –which has not been discussed anytime anywhere, who will finance the project; One Country or the Consortium of Countries who are going to be benefitted with this pipeline; So, far I am sure, it was burden on one Country, that was the major cause for non implementation on the ground;
As far as my Country is concerned and the knowledge I have,  I can say, if TAPI comes with full fledged role to supply LNG to gas hungry energy market of India, no dought it will make India – “NO DARK ZONE” as well as “FATTEN THE ECONOMY”. As you know carrying LNG thru pipeline is less costly then ships; If TAPI would have conceived, it would have given a reliability and stability in energy market – because then we could have been depend on – Turkmenistan’s 618.1 trillion cubic feet of proven natural gas reserves and as well as Iran’s 1,187.3 trillion cubic feet of proven natural gas reserves;

Qns. Can you please apprise us the detail plans like funding, foresee project duration & cost, technology feature, consortium, sourcing & reaching points, landed cost of LNG, etc of the Oman–India Multi-Purpose Pipeline (OIMPP) proposed by Fox petroleum?

Ans.  We at Fox Petroleum Group, has plans to build the Oman –to- India Deepwater Multi Purpose Pipeline (OIMPP), a deepwater transnational, natural gas pipeline system that will cross the Arabian Sea. The OIMPP is anticipated to be the first of many in a corridor of pipelines that will form the final leg of a major energy supply route linking the two countries crossing the sea; Importing LNG is a rather costly process, but unavoidable because the sources of gas are far away. This cost can be avoided if gas is imported through pipelines and then transported across the country through existing and future-planned pipelines in India.
In the last few years, deep sea gas pipeline technology has matured. Since India has serious security concerns with regard to pipeline projects over land, a deep sea pipeline is probably the most promising option. OIMPP will be 1609 KM Aprox. The project intends to transport 8 tcft (trillion cubic feet) of natural gas to India over a period of 20 years. The pipeline is planned to be about aprox 1,300 km long in phase I and 300 Km more to connect Mumbai, laid at a max depth of 3,400 to 3500 metres below
the seabed. It will connect onshore the Middle East Compression Station near Oman with the receiving terminal near Porbander, Gujarat. The estimated cost of this project is $5-5.6 billion and can be executed in about max to max five years.
Geographically, the Oman-India Pipeline is comparatively more feasible because India is close to the sources of natural gas in the Middle East and the undersea distance is less than 1,300 km if connected to Gujarat coast only . Another reason in favour of this project is the landed cost at Oman Point, which will be lesser by $1.5 to $2 per million BTU as compared to LNG imports. Furthermore, this pipeline could be linked to other natural gas sources in the Middle East and even to Turkmenistan and Iran if need be. A single uniformly sized pipeline from the Oman coast near Al Duqam near to Ra’s Al Jifan to the Indian coast at Porbander, Gujarat.
Considering the fact that known sources of natural gas in India till date is just 1.33 trillion cubic metres, India will need to source a major portion of natural gas supply from outside to meet the rising demand. The government will need to make planned efforts to find a lasting solution to the problem. The sooner the government takes a serious view on the proposal, the better it will be in the interest of the country to ensure its energy security.
A boom in LNG demand and projects is taking shape in India. Demand for natural gas, mainly from new power generation projects, fertilizer plants, and industrial users, is projected to soar in the world's second most populous nation. Its paltry domestic output of natural gas mandates that India must import natural gas to meet it expected explosive growth in demand for the fuel. While pipeline imports might seem a logical choice, this is a problematic alternative. Hence, Oman-India Multi-Purpose Pipeline can solve the energy demand in wholesale for next 25-30 Years; According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, this shortfall is expected to rise dramatically by 2020 and continue rising through 2030, when it will peak at 3.56 billion cubic feet per day.
Final proposed route map of OIMPP as decided by our team and it is a dual sized, single, pipeline from the Oman coast near Ra’s Al Jifan will be linked to DUQAM onshore and  from Al DUQAM  to the Indian coast at Gujarat; You will see the - Impact of the Line Oman–India – Multi-Purpose Pipeline on India – “It will be a known as GAS HIGHWAY, and will make India ‘No Dark Zone’”.
For the implementation, we have undergone thru vast study, we have thought about four possible cases of laying the pipeline with calculation the CAPEX and OPEX of the project; But finally, still we are planning to go by our costlier plan i.e. Plan – A (Excluding the plan B,C,D); Plan A- High Pressure (Dense Phase) :This 42 inch (1067 mm) OD pipeline is a single compressor station configuration. The pipeline inlet pressure is in the dense phase zone. After processing and passing through the first stage scrubber, the lean gas  pressure is raised from 4.24 to 9.122 MPa (615 to 1323 Psia), then cooled to 37.8 ˚C (100 ˚F). The gas is compressed further in the second stage to 19.623 MPa (2846 Psia). The high pressure compressed gas is cooled back to 37.8 ˚C (100 ˚F) and then passed through a separator before entering the long pipeline. And the CAPEX of this will be : USD $ 5165.95 Million Dollar plus Power station cost for 105.7 MW + all other sub station cost : USD $ 238 Million Dollar along with ±5% of the project cost i.e USD $5.6 Billion Dollars Approx;
We assure and ensure you that project will never get shortage of finances and material to be used in this project; The project worth calculated is USD $ 5.6 Billion with ± 5%; We have arrangements of funds to follow the project in timely manner and at targeted date; We will not expect any subsidy from the Government of The Sultanate of Oman as well as Government of the Republic of India for this project and we will abide and follow all norms as a general company rules; And, most likely, we will not take any loan from any Indian Private or Public Sector Banks; That means, it will be funded from our associate companies world wide against their Oil Collateral and foreign lenders like banks have also agreed in principally to fund the project, which has been arranged with back up of funding one and back up funding two, that is same amount from two more sources against the reserves of petroleum products;
 Qns. How do you compare this deepwater pipeline with other onshore pipelines like TAPI & IPI?
 Ans. Hassel free, safe and secure; The two country has to give approval and Arabian Ocean and Fox Petroleum are the third party to this project;  

Qns. While SAGE group had proposed the same kind of deepwater transnational pipeline from Middle East to India, how do you think the OIMPP is more feasible option?

Ans. We have nothing to say what other’s are doing, it will be great if we can have 15 Pipeline in Arabian Ocean to Connect Oman and India; But, we are going to use our HEAD and HUT (i.e. Brain and Life’s all secured and unsecured assets) to complete this project; This makes it different from other’s; I want to do it, because I wanted to be named THE NUMBER ONE LOVER OF MY NATION; I love my India and YOU=The Indians, that has forced me to think about it;

Qns. What is the technology aspect of this deep-sea pipeline project, while India has lack the ability of deepwater pipeline technology?

Ans. We are going to use – Foreign Companies for this  – like we have planned to give contract of supply to European & Chinese Companies for Pipe supply; We have a plan to use Two Onshore Pipeline Companies for two coasts; And two Offshore for both side shelf level laying and three in deep water; And a separate company will be used for power and compression station; So, now you can say we will deliver the world if given an opportunity – THE GAS HIGHWAY;

Qns. Indian is now more serious on transnational pipeline projects whether it is onshore or offshore. Do you think the new government has plans to encourage such kind of projects? What kind of response so far from the government towards the OIMPP?  

Ans. We have visited the petroleum ministry and we have been said work hard; But we have written letter to Petroleum Minister of Oman and met Ambassador of Oman in India and updated the status and our plan;

Qns. How will the proposed pipeline project will open doors for India in sourcing crude or natural gas from other gas-rich producers of the Gulf, Middle East and potentially Central Asia?

Ans. India can tap at least permanent solution of gas; That much I can say now; The cost to transport crude oil or petroleum products by pipeline is a fraction of the cost of other modes of transportation. The cost to ship crude oil by rail is generally $10 to $15 per barrel versus under $5 per barrel by pipeline.  LNG Transportation cost fixed $1.5/MMBtu that is too cheap to control the price; as per Indian requirement of USD $ 8.0/MMBtu; We will transport, other petroleum gases from the same pipeline as per calender booking of the year; Project will have 8 Contractors working at one time; For Onshore Two Contractors; For SHELF level Offshore Two Contractors; Two Contractors for Deepwater Pipeline laying; And One for Onshore Project Management Consultant and One for Offshore Project Management Consultant; And one for Power and Compression Station in addition; Oman Government is enthusiastic as per the sourced information, but waiting for the approval of Government of India for a “YES”.  

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