Sunday, May 11, 2014

Biography of CEO

Introduction : Ajay Kumar alias Ajay Kumar Jha, born in Industrial Town Kanpur, India and brought up in Assam, India. A Science Graduate, an MBA; The most promising boy from a village where there is no road, and no light; He is well versed Computer Engineer; Worked on almost all Operating System and Network Operating System in his school days; Based in New Delhi, India;

Vision for his Business - "We are one of a kind," What we love to do we find moment in time to do. Hence the result is precise. And it is only for you, each and every one. We believe in inclusive growth in Business – it means – “ People, Company and Nation Building; Country First Rest is Secondary”.  To make world “ No Dark Zone ” thru Energy Infrastructure Development.

About him : An Aries by birth. ‘I AM' is the motto for him. He takes responsibility and desires authority first. However He does it with a childlike innocence that is very disarming. He stands for brave new beginnings and are frequently the one to get something off the ground .He is fearless and courageous and will fight passionately for what he wants. His energy and enthusiasm are contagious and he is a keen competitor. He is ardent in work and won't hesitate to make the first move.

As he is a well qualified Computer Engineer as well as an MBA. He has started his Journey from a construction Company in 1998; in Gauhati. He has the past experience in launching townships and commercial especially in IT park of any size, at the age of 28+ only. His team Management skill is very high inside the company, and takes care of the investor as well as customer. According to him, ‘‘Investor or Customer satisfaction is our paramount consideration, without cutting down the companies norms”. The young Chairman  is very happy from the Government announcement of 100 percent FDI in Real Estate development; though he is very much hopeful to in house financers due to less time reach. And USD 500 Million in Power Sector; as well as 100% Foreign Participation in Oil Exploration.

As, He is very good at Calculated Risk Taking – and Hence – Jumped in Oil & Gas Sector as per his plan – and got very good response from the market and Government due to his convincing attitude to investor and being flexible to negotiate at the point from where companies – norms laid is not cut down. Start of Fox Petroleum Era; ‘To be successful, trusted and respected in Oil & Gas; Infrastructure & Construction Development nationally and internationally as one of the leading Company in our chosen market sectors. Our customers are our business, we will respect every individual. We adopt a performance focused approach. We will be flexible and decisive quality will be as a way of life.’

Message from CMD: Now that we have stepped into a new millennium, business around the globe will continue to display even more change as the technology revolution gains new momentum. Yet, one thing will remain unchanged the desire of every business to grow to be No.1 in its chosen field of Industry.

Today, we are proud to state that we attract a large number of multinationals, world renowned companies and top brands who have shown interest in our projects. We have paved the way for investors to explore new opportunities ands take smooth steps towards further success. “When my attitudes are right, there is no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for us”. we look forward to your next step my team !!! – Thank you. – Ajay Kumar (Chair, CEO, Director)]

Thursday, May 8, 2014

A report on – “ Middle East – India – Gas Pipe Line ”

Deepwater Route

Fox Group of Companies


 The Fox Consultancy Services – is the consultant – for – Indo –Iran – Gas
Pipeline – Under Deepwater Route. The top team contributors for this job are listed below. Without them the task would have been very difficult to complete. The team was headed by – Mr. Saryu Prasad Yadav and J.L. Jerath. Project – Key team members are :-
Mr. Vineet Pewal
Country Head – Oil & Gas, Fox Petroleum Limited and Blooming Infratech Private limited
Dr. Archana Jain
Director-  Fox Petroleum Limited; Fox Oil & Gas Limited, Fox Construction Limited, Blooming Infratech Private Limited, Fox Petroleum FZC, UAE.
HE. Dr. Abdullah Saleh Obeid Al Dhabari
Major Sponsor from Iran & Director of Al Duqam Energy LLC, Oman & Fox Oil & Gas Limited
Ms. Sakshi Yadav (Structural Engineer)
Independent Director - Fox Petroleum Limited; Fox Oil & Gas Limited, Fox Construction Limited, Blooming Infratech Private Limited, Fox Petroleum FZC, UAE. Fox Petroleum USA Co.
Ms. Pria D’Souza
Project Support – Chief Consultant – International Liaison – with Companies
Mr. K. K. Vohra
Consultant – Report Generation, Fox Consultancy Services
Mr. Saurabh Chakraborty
Consultant – Report Generation & Data Modeling - Fox Consultancy Services
Ms. Iola Edwards
CEO, Fox Petroleum USA Corporation
Mr. Mata Din Sharma
Co-Ordinator, Fox Consultancy Services
Mr. Anil Naiyar
Pipeline & LNG, Fox Consultancy Services
Mr. Venkat
Marine Information, Fox Consultancy Services
Mr. Sanjeev Tyagi
Cost Analysis, Fox Consultancy Services
Mr. Amit Kumar
Presenter, Fox Consultancy Services
Mr. Sanjay Goel
Engineer Consultant- transportation, Fox Consultancy Services
Mr. J. L. Jerath
Environmental Consultant - Fox Consultancy Services
Mr. S. K. Singh
Engineer – Power Division, Fox Consultancy Services
Mr. Saryu Prasad Yadav
Director - Project Planning & Execution; Fox Petroleum Limited, Fox Construction Limited, Fox Oil & Gas Limited, Blooming Infratech Private Limited, Fox Consultancy Services.
Mr. Binod Kumar, IPS
DIG, Silchar Range
Taken Verbal Advises on – Security of Pipeline and Staff.
Mr. Deepak Kedia, IPS
Taken verbal advises on – Security Measures and Guidelines on stabilizing security network.
Mr. Manish Jain
Engineer NTPC; Taken Verbal Advises from him about the Gas requirement of NTPC and India.
Musab Ruknudin
Director – UAE- Middle East Liaison
Fundamentals :- Pipelines generally transport natural gas at a lower cost than LNG over distances up to around 2100Km. Approximately 2000 Trillion Cubic Feet of Natural Gas in the Gulf States and Iran lies less than 2000Km from the Gujarat coast. Transport of Iranian gas through FPL Proposed Pipeline to anywhere in India lying to the South and West of Jaipur (approximately) is a shorter route than for the same allocation of gas transported to the same place overland. SO why haven't numerous gas pipelines from the Middle East to Western India been built over the last 30 years?

ANSWER:- Until recently, the geo-politically attractive deepwater route was technically challenging but is, however, now practical on normal contractual terms. 
A shallow conventional coastal route to India involves laying a pipeline across the Indus Canyon which was effectively impossible and even today, is still extremely challenging, technically. Conventional pipeline design, although concerned with many factors, is dominated generally by the need to withstand an internal pressure. The higher the pressure that products can be passed down the line, the higher the flow rate and greater the revenue potential. However, factors critical for deepwater pipelines become dominated by the need to resist external pressure, particularly during installation.

Local infield lines, such as subsea umbilicals, risers, and flowlines (SURF) usually are modest challenges as they are small in diameter and inherently resistant to hydrostatic collapse. In smaller sizes, these lines generally are produced as seamless pipe which is readily available and generally economical. However, deepwater trunklines and long-distance tiebacks present a greater challenge. To increase subsea production these lines tend to be larger in diameter with a thicker pipe wall to withstand the hydrostatic pressure and bending as it is laid to the seabed.

Typically these lines are often 16 in. to 20 in. (40 cm to 50 cm) in diameter, which presents a further complication as the pipe sizes lie at the top end of economical production for seamless (Pilger) pipes. The Pilger process can produce the thick walled pipe required for these developments but often the manufacturing process is slow, the cost of material high, and the pipe lengths short. As a result, the most economical method to manufacture these lines is the UOE process. The increasingly stringent industry demands have driven this design toward its practical limits of manufacture and installation.

Corus Tubes has responded by manufacturing UOE double submerged arc welded (DSAW) linepipe to the deepest pipelines in the world. This pipe overcomes significant challenges associated with deepwater developments and facilitated a number of pioneering projects such as Bluestream and Perdido. In the UOE process, steel plate is pressed into a “U” and then into an “O” shape and then is expanded circumferentially. Wall thickness and diameter requirements for deepwater trunkline pipe continue to be challenging for manufacturing economics and installation capabilities.

Det Norske Veritas (DNV) says the acceptability of a pipeline design for a given water depth is determined by means of standard equations that measure the relationship between OD, wall thickness, pipe shape, and material compressive strength.

CONCLUSION: The time has now come to import gas into India through deepwater gas pipelines across the Arabian Sea from Oman and/or Iran. The export of gas to Oman will mark a significant economic development in the relations between the two countries, where as excess gas, which is projected to account for 50% of the total amount of the gas exported to Oman, would be delivered to Japan, South Korea and India. Estimated the US$ 60 billion gas supply deal states between – Iran, Oman & India. The biggest turnover business in the world.

Fox Consultancy Services  will build on the extensive study of the deepwater route from Oman during the mid 2009’s. $3 million was spent developing the technology, performing detailed FEED and soliciting, receiving and evaluating competitive construction bids.

This work is now strengthened by studies undertaken since 2009 by Fox Consutancy Team  and by the major body of industrial deepwater pipelay experience over the last decade. The route will reach down to around 3,300 meters and will be just over 1,100km in length. A major study of a similar line to Gujarat from Iran was more recently undertaken by our team.

As per our information - much has been written on the carbon footprint of oil versus natural gas, scant attention has been paid to the transport and delivery of either fuel. In comparison to oil, which is largely transported worldwide by a fleet of more than 38,000 marine tankers, 93 percent of the world’s natural gas continues to be supplied through pipelines. More than 60 countries have, on average, 2,000 kilometers, or 1,243 miles, of pipeline for gas transmission within their borders and about 10,000 kilometers, or 6,214 miles, of new pipelines are planned for this decade, often traversing difficult terrain and deep marine waters.

However, the role of pipelines is diminishing as liquefied natural gas, or LNG, operations provide the fuel to a greater number of markets. LNG is natural gas that is cooled to -161 C, at which point it becomes a liquid and occupies only 1/600th of its original volume, making it convenient for shipping. The process to bring the gas to such low temperatures requires highly capital intensive infrastructure. Liquefaction plants, specially designed ships fitted with cryogenic cooling tanks, regasification terminals and domestic transmission infrastructure all make LNG relatively expensive in construction and operational cost. The clear advantage of LNG shipments lies in access to distant markets which become uneconomical for pipeline transport, usually beyond 3,000 kilometers, or 1,864 miles.

Whereas oil pipelines can cause ecological damage due to leaks and spills, the only “spill” hazard from gas pipelines involves potential combustion of leaks that can lead to uncontrolled forest fires.

Monitoring of the pipeline route is therefore vitally important, using remote sensing technology and physical monitoring and security in key locations. With such measures in place, pipelines can also be a source of lasting cooperation between countries that can be considered a derivative planning benefit for international donors and multinational investment.

Energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions are perhaps the most significant areas where pipeline gas can have an advantage over LNG. However, this advantage is also highly dependent on various design factors. According to a recent study commissioned by the European Union, the typical energy “penalty” for gas delivery via pipelines is 10-15 percent (efficiency of 85-90 percent), whereas for LNG it is approximately 25 percent (efficiency of about 75 percent).

The efficiency for pipelines begins to decrease as the length of the project increases. This is also true for greenhouse gas, or GHG, emissions.

The energy used for the cooling process and subsequent decompression can be harnessed to some degree for various purposes. For example in Japan LNG users have found that the use of cryogenic power production for deep freeze food storage units can be a derivative benefit of LNG.

When comparing GHG emissions pipelines come out far ‘greener’ than LNG. For example, in Europe, pipeline transmission has a seven-fold lower carbon footprint than LNG. However, the GHG contributions of pipelines increase considerably over distance due to fugitive emissions of methane that are often inevitable along large pipeline tracks and these grow much faster than the transportation emissions from the tankers traveling over large distances.

Therefore, pipeline GHG emissions equalize emissions from LNG transport when transport distance is around 7,500 kilometers, or 4,660 miles.

Hence, It is a very good proposition to Build this Route. Oman to India. It depends on some factors. Large-diameter and long distance pipelines imply very high capital investment. They require both large, high-value markets and substantial proven reserves to be economically viable. Capital charges typically make up at least 90% of the cost of transmission pipelines. The key determinants of pipeline construction costs are diameter, operating pressures, distance and terrain. Other factors, including climate, labour costs, the degree of competition among contracting companies, safety regulations, population density and rights of way, may cause construction costs to vary significantly from one region to another.
In addition to the common conditions, the transmission cost of gas through pipelines in the model is a function of further technical conditions. The relevant conditions are gas pressure, allocation of compressor stations, choice of the gas flow formula, choice of single line or parallel lines, installation cost of pipes per size and length, that of compressors per horsepower, physical and economic life of use, fixed and variable O&M costs that are hopefully adequately set in the model.

Figure 1 shows the conceptual model for cost estimation of pipelines. This show that the total cost consists of the costs of gas processing, pipelines and gas compressor stations. Actually we add the cost of feasibility studies or relevant preparation cost to the first portion. We give the interval between compressor stations and calculate resultant length of two parts, i.e., ones of conceptual equal length and another of different at the end of the line. For the segments of equal length, the beginning and ending pressures are naturally assumed the same to all segments respectively.

Figure 2 shows how these two parts are created to find the number of compressor stations required and the pipeline length of segments. A gas flow formula is applied to the both segments separately to find the pressure at the destination.

The gas flow calculation is performed to find a right pipe size through a reverse computation system to give the desired pressure at the destination. A two-inch larger size than theory is selected.

The cost of the pipelines is calculated based on the given unit cost of pipe installation in terms of US$/km/inch (nominal diameter). While the average or standard unit cost of pipe installation varies from region to region, it normally spans over from 18 to 80 US dollars in non-Japan world, excluding exceptional cases like deep seas or high mountains as well as river or channel crossings. We will tentatively set it as 35 US Dollars /km.inch considering majority of pipelines in our case for comparison may be offshore.
 Given an annual quantity of gas and target gas pressures, as well as other factors, the program computes necessary pipe sizes and then capital costs, which, together with other information on O&M costs, lead to cash flow analysis in the given period. The gas flow or annual quantity of gas can be in 109 m3 (billion cubic meters or “bcm”) per year or in any other unit. Compressor horsepower is calculated and reflected on the capital and O&M costs. A gas flow formula is automatically chosen among Panhandle A, New Panhandle or others by an indicator in a variable in the outside user functions.

The cost results of both pipeline and LNG are then jointly treated as the functions of the distance of transmission. The cross point of the two lines are calculated to find the distance which we will call the “dross distance” and gives the same cost of gas in terms of thermal value to both the LNG and pipelines.

Our question is how factors will change the cross distance. This simple algorithm is illustrated in Figure 4 and the resultant relationship will be illustrated later.

Calculate the distance to equate the costs of pipeline and LNG

Hence Finally, it is cheaper to transport gas thru Pipeline. And, it is more practical despite the risk of spillage. But in offshore, the gas spillage may not harm as much as the Oil spillage will cost to the environment.  

Pipeline Cost - Pipeline costs in the US have been adapted from the data annually reported in the Oil & Gas Journal as sourced from the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) together with various information of the relevant pipeline and compressor projects. The costs are indeed varied even within the US and it is dangerous to directly apply those to developing countries. The recent average costs of pipelines are little higher than ten years ago, on the current basis, being around 20 to 60 US dollars per km.inch for normal onshore and certain long pipelines in 1999. Figure 5 illustrates the aggregate US pipeline cost distribution in 1999 sourced from the said journal in November 2000. The variation is large for cases of off-shore lines or river or channel crossings or any other conditions like loop lines. A pipeline installation cost consists of 24% material, 42% labor, 26% miscellaneous and the rest for right of way (ROW) acquisition in the average here.

At the same time the author has looked into the cost numbers in the world which appear in the media from time to time especially for developing countries. Pipeline costs in developing countries are relatively lower than in the US, setting aside exceptional cases, due to apparent lower costs of labor. ROW and miscellaneous costs may be also lower. Instead at the same time, more workers may be necessary in those countries which may lack expertise and pipe construction industry to accommodate laying secured pipelines.

When we consider “pipeline or LNG?”, we normally suppose that much of the transportation routes may be offshore, although potential cases of comparison with totally onshore pipes may exist, too. Recent offshore pipelines are often laid in challenging conditions as seen in the Blue Stream Line in the Black Sea, whose cost should not be low at least in the beginning. Involving the investment in pipe installation ships and other technological development, the cost for those pipes may heavily deviate from the proportional relationship to the distance. We will exclude those technology edge cases in our simulation of comparison.

Considering all these conditions, i.e. factors of nature of developing status, offshore pipelines and closer to regular pipelines, the author has chosen US$ 55.00 / km/inch as a typical starting cost for comparing with LNG later. The simulation model of course can easily change any such cost instantly but we will take it as the base case.

Loop lines are often implemented to match the growth of demand in the course of time to avoid excessive one time advance investment, but are author believes also considered for security. The second line added to the original one is assumed cheaper than the first one. While how cheaper it is can be set freely, we assume in the base case that the cost of the second one is 40% lower.

As such, the pipeline cost may not necessarily be totally proportional to the distance, but the author has no means to define how to relate them otherwise generally.

The compressor stations also need a cost estimate. How compressors will be arranged for the offshore pipelines assumed for comparison with LNG may have to be defined. Possibly much longer average intervals will be adopted using smaller islands on the route. While somewhat uncertain, we assume the cost of the compressor stations tentatively as US$ 1841 / kW (i.e., $1000 / HP (British horsepower)).

LNG Liquefaction Cost : - LNG liquefaction capital costs may be said as 40-50 % lower compared to 10 years ago in terms of thermal thanks to the effect of technology breakthroughs, general plant market competition and economy of scale. LNG liquefaction cost has decreased in the last 30 years, based on Shell’s presentation in the Asia Pacific Energy Forum in Manila in 1999, excepting a number for 2000 which was converted from other data from media.  Also a published brochure of BP in 2002 says that a typical construction of a liquefaction plant costs more than 200 US Dollars per ton per annum. Assuming this number is US$205 / (t/y), a typical LNG liquefaction plant of, e.g., 4 x 106 (i.e., 4 million ton) may cost 820 million US Dollars. There may be large differences in the costs between the first plant train and other trains to be completed thereafter. Also we may not assume all sizes of plants to be available; there will be optimum sizes depending on market and physical conditions. We will, however, disregard this factor and assume any sizes in the model.

Our model cost function for a liquefaction plant is based on a set of data derived from a World Bank Report on LNG projects of 1994, which is not necessarily published and shows that the cost (CAPEX) of a 5 x 106 ton plant was about US$1870 million then. We have adjusted this number by a factor of five (0.5) to meet recent cost conditions discussed in the above. A scale factor of 0.7 is used to meet the cost of a required size of the plant, as well as another small adjustment term is added.


Index of Capex $/ton/y (Brunei=100)


Malaysia 1

West Australia

Malaysia 2



(not identified)

Ras Laffan
Figure .
Trend of Liquefaction Plant Cost (Shell, 1999)

For the operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, we are simply assuming a 4.5 % of CAPEX for annual fixed cost and 0.0474 $/GJ (or, 0.05 $/mmBtu) for the variable O&M, considerations being given to the complexity of the plant.

We must discuss LNG Ship Cost : - We will consider only the cases of ocean gas transportation while LNG is also transported onshore by trucks and trains. LNG ship building costs are widely reported as to be less than 200 million US Dollars for a one of 135000 m3 cargo size while it used to be more than 300 million.

A Japanese gas utility news paper (the Gas Jigyo Shinbun in Japanese) reported in February 16, 2000, that the average cost of LNG ships has changed as in Figure below, citing an article in a Poten & Partners report.

The size of majority of LNG ships is around 125000 m3, the size having been generally gradually increasing. The recently contracted one reportedly reaches 145000 m3, the cost being reported as less than US$ 170 million. Also several smaller ships of varied sizes less than 40000 m3 exist to meet the requirement of local markets recently.

In our model, the cost of a ship is expressed by a function:

Ship Cost (CAPEX) = a * Ship Size + b

where the coefficient (a) and the constant (b), with further breakdown for each, are adjusted to meet the recent cost conditions stated before.

US$ million

The fixed O&M cost may be a function of: the annual repair cost, the dry-dock cost and the crew cost. The model considers several factors affecting these costs. It assumes, e.g., that a ship is put into dry-dock for six weeks a year for an assumed cost.

The variable O&M cost should be a function of boil-off gas rate, bunker fuel price, and transportation distance, which are simulated to meet in an actual case. The function is eventually expressed as:

Variable O&M = c * transportation distance*amount of LNG (thermal value) where the coefficient “c” reflects the considerations stated above.

LNG Receiving Terminal :-  The largest cost of an LNG terminal is normally incurred in LNG tanks, of which various types and sizes exist. The quantity of LNG storage required changes from region to region according to the climate, market characteristics, availability and size of other gas storage, LNG ship cargo size, energy stock policy, etc.; these factors have to be first defined and the defined size and number of tanks are a variable in the cost function.

Other facilities normally required are the LNG berth, the unloading facility, LNG pumps, return gas blowers, vaporizers, odorization facilities, sampling and measuring, etc., Considering the heavy weight of the tank cost, we have defined a formula of the terminal CAPEX as follows:

Receiving Terminal Cost = d * Size of LNG Storage + e
where “d” and “e” are coefficient and constant, with breakdowns, adjusted to produce the a value closer to actual cases. The required amount of storage is computed separately.

Operation cost may depend on power consumption quantity and power price, repairs and labor, as well as others. The fixed O&M cost reflects the labor and repair cost, and the variable O&M cost reflects the power use expenditure.

Finally making conclusion on Gas Sales and Economic Analysis on Pipeline vs Shipping : - Gas sales amount is defined for each year from the information of gas flows at plateau, operation start year and the number of buildup years automatically for economic analysis. Cashflow tables are automatically created to give net present values of the costs and gas sales volume to produce the values of economic cost. A terminal value is given at the end of the calculation period based on the economic book value of the facilities calculated on the assumed economic life.

The average incremental economic cost (AIC) is given by the following formula:

AIC = NPV (costs) / NPV (gas volume)
Where, NPV is the net present value over the calculation period and can be conveniently given by a Worksheet function:
=The first year’s value + NPV(discount rate, 2nd year: last year)
The physical conditions are tabulated in Figure below. For the comparison, the quality of gas is assumed to be the same to both the pipeline and LNG cases.

Changeable Item
Assumed Number
2000 km

Gas quality (gross)
39.69 MJ/m3(15C)
=1063 Btu/scf = 10000 kcal/Nm3 (0 C)
LNG liquid density
0.45 t/m3

Transport capacity
6.207 10^9m3/y (0dC)
= 635.2 mmscfd (60F) = 5.00 million t/y
Wellhead gas price
US$ 1.000 /mmBtu

Figure 1 Physical Assumptions

Figure Below shows economic, financial or general conditions common to the both. No inflation is assumed for real term price calculation and no tax or duty is considered for the economic analysis.

Changeable Item
Assumed Number
Project begins in

20 years

Discount rate
Economic life of facilities
30 years

Calculation in real terms.
Taxes & inflation

Installation contingency

FS or Preparation costs
$ 15 million

Figures Below -  shows the specific base case assumptions for pipeline and LNG respectively.

Changeable Item
Assumed Number

Project capacity
6.207x 10^9 m3/y (0 C)
=LNG 5 million t/y

Initial pressure
5000 kPa
= 50 bar

Pipeline pressure (Max)
7500 kPa
= 75 bar

Pipeline pressure (Min)
5500 kPa
= 55 bar

Final pressure
4000 kPa
= 40 bar

Interval between compressors
200 km

Construction yrs
3 years

Demand buildup yrs
5 yeas

Starting gas price
US$ 0.948 /GJ
=$ 1 /mmBtu, at process inlets

Pipeline cost
US$ 35 /m/ inch

Compressor cost
US$ 1000 /HP(US)

Gas processing plant
US$ 160 million

Choice of one (1) pipe or two

Cost of 2nd parallel line

Figure 01 Assumptions on Pipeline

Changeable Item
Assumed Number

Project capacity:
5 million ton/y

Ship cargo size
135000 m3
= 60,750 t

Ship speed
18 -21 knots

Loading + unloading time
25 hours
Port maneuver inclusive

Dry dock
40 days/ 2.5years

Storage at Receiving terminal
2 tanks

Construction period
4 years

Ship Building
4 years

Figure 02 Assumptions on LNG

We have derived an assumptions in these tables are for a beginning case and the model can change them for simulation cases. As per the above referenced tables, the total costs are somewhat comparative between pipeline and LNG on the given assumptions. The table also shows that while the both are capital intensive, the pipeline is more dependent on the capital expenditure. (with respect to the unit gas cost, $1.00/mmBtu is equal to $1.055 /GJ.)

          Cost summary:


O&M Cost
Total Cost

Case of 2000 km

Cost (NPV)


Gas Cost

5.00 mil. ton/y

US$ million

US$ million
US$ million

Long term cost:



(Ave. levelized)




Figure: Cost Summary of LNG and Pipeline



Process inlet

Process inlet


Gas processing







Figure : Breakdown of Unit Gas Cost of LNG and Pipeline

Some of these costs shown in the tables are imaginary only based on the assumptions like the starting gas cost of US$ 1.00/mmBtu and exclusion of all taxes and duties as well as others as stated before; thus the values may not represent real costs. Rather, significant is only the comparison between pipeline and LNG and if the stated assumptions are right, the costs of the both are now found close to each other for the distance of transportation of 2000 km.

Cost in Relationship with Distance :-How the difference in the distance will affect the comparative costs is the next question. The model can show the relationship with the distance as in Figure below.

The two cost curves for pipeline and LNG with respect to distance are distinctive. The cost of pipeline quickly increases with distance since we have assumed that the pipeline cost is calculated simply based on the cost per length; the almost whole cost depends on the length here, regardless of how real this is or not.

On the other hand, in the case of LNG, much of the investment is made in the liquefaction and re-gasification which are not distance dependent. The parts of the shipping in the whole LNG chain is surely distance dependent, but its share in the total cost of the chain is rather small and the recent ship cost decrease further affects the less dependence on the distance.

       Gas Transportation Cost vs. Distance - Base Case

5 mil. t/y=
Cross at:
2,107   km
Gas Transportation Cost Comparison











Distance km

Figure above : Cost Changes with Distance

We assume that the transportation connects only two points, i.e. supply and receiving. In fact a distinctive characteristic between pipeline and LNG is that the pipeline may deliver the gas to the markets located on the pipeline route. Long onshore pipelines with certain markets on the route may show a different pattern of project economics from our case. Therefore the additional benefit of pipelines will have to be separately considered and discussed beside our model, as well as that of LNG, although we do not elaborate in this paper.

The “cross distance”, which we have defined in this paper and gives the same cost to the pipeline and LNG in our model, is calculated as 2107 km, for the transportation distance above which LNG is economically more advantageous as shown at the top right of Figure 10. This number used to be around 4000 to 5000 km when the liquefaction and shipping cost were almost twice in terms of gas thermal value decades ago.

FACTORS AFFECTING THE CROSS DISTANCE :-  Project Size and Choice of Parallel Pipes - What other factors will affect the cross distance which is defined in the preceding paragraph? Next several tables show several factors considered to affect the choice of pipeline or LNG.

Figure below shows the effect of the project size and the choice of one pipeline or two parallel pipelines on the cross distance above which LNG is economically cheaper. The curves are not necessarily smoothly continuous since the compressor station arrangement is involved and the amount of computation occasionally prohibits a small laptop to make a decisive output. In the case of parallel lines, the second line is assumed to cost 60% the first one (in CAPEX).

The results show that the cross distance decreases by 400 to 600 km in case of the choice of two pipes compared to one pipe; meaning that LNG is further more competitive if pipeline side plans parallel lines from the beginning by that extent.

This also shows that the bigger the project, the pipeline is more advantageous; up to 2900 km in case of one pipe choice.

Effect of Project size:
2 pipes
1 pipe
Million ton / year
Cross Distance in km
Figure Below: Effect of Project Size and Choice of Two Pipes on the Cross-Distance

Effect of Potential Pipeline Cost Cut : For the pipeline to be more advantageous than LNG in shorter distance, a simple solution may be to lay cheaper pipelines if possible through any means. Although we have set the base pipeline installation cost as $35/m/inch, the actual cost varies from project to project and much lower cost also exists as well as higher. Figure below show that when LNG related costs are set at the basic conditions stated before, how the unit cost of the pipeline changes the cross distance. The project size in the base case is annual 5 million ton of LNG. On the pipeline side, only the one pipe case is shown here. This shows that when the pipeline is installed at lower than US$25 /m/inch, it is more advantageous than LNG at a distance longer than 3000 to 4000 km. Since we sometimes hear of actual implementation at such a cost level or even lower, we think this still real in some regions. The author hopes the cost of pipelines be lowered in the future in view of that the general decrease of the cost of pipelines have been slow compared to LNG in the last decade, while technological development in pipeline laying in challenging conditions have been remarkable.

Unit Pipe Cost in US $/m/inch

Cross Distance in km











Figure Above  How Pipeline
Affects Cross Distance  Cost
Effect of the Cost of Liquefaction Plant and LNG Ships : - The assumed cost of liquefaction plant in the Base Case is US$ 1092 million for a project of 5 million ton per year. This level may be already a result of remarkable technological breakthroughs and economy of scale everyone would appreciate. Figure Below shows the effect of further cost cut of an LNG liquefaction plant on the cross distance, while the author is not aware of any physical possibility of such cost cutting in liquefaction.

Liquefaction Cost Decrease by %
Cross Distance in km
          Figure above Effect of Cost Cutting of LNG Liquefaction on Cross Distance

Similarly Figure Below shows the effect of the cost cutting on LNG ships. In the base case we started from US $165 million for a ship of 135000 m3, which appeared in the media recently.

LNG Ship Cost Decrease by %
Cross Distance in km
Figure Above Effect of Cost Decrease of LNG Ships on Cross Distance
Effect of Discount Rate : We will finally look at the effect of the discount rate. The rate in our base case model is 8 %, which reflects recent general low interest rate in the world financial market as well as investor’s desire for firm conditions for participation in the risk exposed projects combined. The rate in our model should be in real terms which excludes the inflation rate.

Figure Below shows how the discount rate affects the cross distance in our model in the Base Case. The case here again means the one pipe case and the project size of 5 million ton per year.

Discount  Rate %
Cross Distance in  km
Figure Above Effect of Discount Rate on the Cross Distance

A trend found in the table of Figure above means that with a higher discount rate LNG will be more advantageous. This is explained by lower CAPEX of LNG projects compared to the pipelines for a longer distance, since the capital expenditure is normally spent in earlier years of the project period with lower level of discount in the discounted cash flow.

CONCLUSION on LNG Pipeline vs Shipping : - We have tried to respond to the question of how LNG and pipelines compete in the recent economic environment raised in the World Gas Conference 2003 Call for Papers as straightly as possible. The cost data are taken from media and the economic considerations exclude tax and duties as well as inflation, resulting in only theoretical simulations. We have to recognize that actual costs are different from project to project.

Cases exist where LNG is more economical at less than 2,000 km of gas transportation taking into consideration recent project costs. LNG may be competitive especially when there is security issue that enforces a pipeline to be planned for loop or in two parallel lines.

The cost cutting competition in the last decade of relevant chemical and gas plants including LNG schemes, has shown dynamic changes in the comparative relationships between the pipeline and LNG. Pipeline costs in ordinary cases, in fact, have not changed too much apparently, but pipelines are now being materialized in such conditions as had been previously thought impossible or very tough, e.g., in thousands of meters deep or across wide rivers, within certain economic reach. After initial frontier development of challenging pipelines that is going now, there is hope for lower cost of such pipelines in the near future. At present LNG cost has caught up in the shorter transportation distance.

We have not assessed real benefit of pipelines and LNG outside the cost comparison either. Within a large continent, pipeline is the only possibility prohibiting such comparison. When there are many markets scattered on the transmission route, the pipeline may be a better selection for supplying broader markets. LNG on the other hand has benefit from storage function and access to diversified natural gas supply sources. Energy stock function of an LNG receiving terminal may be serious in gas lean countries which lack old gas fields for gas storage.

The author writes this paper mainly considering Southeast Asian countries. The Southeast Asian archipelago has possibility of both pipelines and LNG, where everyone concerned may be interested in which is more economical. Differently from long haul transmission of gas to remote industrial countries, the case of LNG has long been ignored in intra-regional transportation. The author has developed this simulation in the course of natural gas studies in Indonesia and the Philippines, and found that LNG can be a possibility for much shorter distance than in the past.

 Fox Consultancy Services wish to build on the extensive study of the deepwater route started during the mid 2009’s, strengthened by the development work now undertaken by Fox group and the major body of industrial deepwater pipelay experience over the last decade. The deep water section will reach down to 3,500 meters and will be just over 1,000km in length.

History of action : On 28th March 2009, Dr. Rumhy, Oman Oil & Gas Minister, agreed in principle to give "Right of Way" and other clearances to this project concept, in presence of Indian Ambassador. Written confirmation from Qatar Energy Ministry within recent months that Concept of Oman –India Pipeline is on the "Waiting List" for gas. Doha Gas Conference March 2009: evidence that the "LNG Glut" price collapse makes diversification into gas pipeline export increasingly attractive to Gulf States.   Presentation by the then Mr Pandey, Secretary, Petroleum & Gas Ministry in Delhi, April 2009. Mr Pandey offered his Ministry's help. Also presented to Power and Fertilizer Ministries. Gathering Support also received from Foreign Affairs Ministry in recent weeks aimed at adoption of Concept came in news paper for Deepwater Gas Pipeline by Planning Commission.  Increasing support from the Indian Ambassadors in Oman, Iran and Qatar in securing Natural Gas Supplies and necessary Permissions.
Invitation from India  to present & project and hold gas supply discussions in Tehran, 24th-25th May 2009.

Key success factors :- World class design and build consortium; low project risk. Route outside of Straits of Hormuz and neighbours’ EEZs gives Fox Group Companies a desirable low political risk profile. Non-volatile, long-term bi-partisan pricing, complementary to LNG “spot-market” volatility: superior financial risk profile. Replaces wasteful use of Naphtha for fertiliser production “Green Energy” and carbon reduction benefits. Fox Group Companies provides a historic opportunity for convergence of West and South Asian regional economic interests into the Fox Energy Corridor, by forming a new "Gas Highway" of multiple deepwater pipelines. Gas Hub can emerge over time in Oman.